How to Identify Inactive Users in Office 365: A Step-by-Step Guide.How to Disable Built-in Site Templates in SharePoint Online?.How to Connect to Microsoft Graph API from PowerShell?.Microsoft 365: Password Expiration Notification Email.You can download the PDF from the toolbar in the top-right corner. The converted PDF document will be opened in a new tab. Click on the “Open PDF” button to view the converted PDF. This converts the Word document into PDF and prompts with a “Your PDF is ready to print” message.In the preview panel, click on the little “menu” icon and then choose “Print to PDF” menu item.Click on the little three dots next to the document you wish to convert.

Navigate to your SharePoint Online library where the Word document is stored.You can change the UI from modern experience to classic by clicking on the “Return to classic SharePoint” link at the bottom-left corner of the page or by going to the list settings > Advanced Settings >Set the “List experience” to “Classic experience.” Prerequisites: Make sure the library is in “Classic Experience”. Here is a nifty trick to convert word documents to PDF in SharePoint Online without using any 3rd party tools. How to Convert Word to PDF in SharePoint Online? Requirement: Convert Word document into PDF in SharePoint Online.